Fire Safe Europe
31 Mar 2023
In March, Fire Safe Europe published the latest edition of its quarterly newsletter.
The newsletter contains a wide array of updates and insights on the latest developments in fire safety at the European Union level:
The latest developments on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), and Fire Safe Europe's reaction to MEP Ciaran Cuffe's report.
A brief summary of the latest webinars of the Fire Information Exchange Platform (FIEP), organised by the European Commission and Efectis.
An article on the Joint Research Centre's technical report on fire safety engineering and its recommendations for harmonisation at the EU level.
An overview of the latest EU activities on fire safety, including the release of the Transition Pathway for Construction by the European Commission and an update on RISE's project on European approach to assess the fire performance of facades.
The launch of Fire Safe Europe's new website.
A brief summary of the Fire Protection Association's Joint Code of Practice to ensure the fire-safe installation of PV panels.
To view the full newsletter, click here.