Assessment of facades fire performance in the future
17 September 2020

A new method for assessment and classification of the fire performance of facades is under development in Europe.
A first project was launched in 2016, financed by the European Commission, which presented two proposals on assessment methods. These proposals were both based on the current German and British methods DIN 4102-20 and BS 8414. After the finalisation of the project, the European Commission decided to move on with one of the proposed methods, where DIN 4102-20 and BS 8414 merge into one method.
A second project started at the beginning of 2020. The aim is now to finetune the assessment method. The project thus defines items to ensure the method’s robustness regarding repeatability and reproducibility. The project also makes sure that the method maintains the safety level at about the same level as at present.
In this webinar titled “Assessment of the fire performance of facades in the future”, Lars Boström (RISE), leader of the consortium working on the European project, presented the progress made on the tasks and highlighted further work that would need to be undertaken but is so far outside of the project’s scope.